About Us

Welcome to Zeewoi! Our mission is to change the way you experience travel and pet care. Founded in April 2023 by fellow pet sitters and pet owners, we connect caring pet sitters with loving pet parents, allowing pets to stay at home while their owners travel.

Why Choose Zeewoi?

  • Comfort for Pets: Pets can enjoy their own home while being cared for by someone who loves animals.
  • Peace of Mind for Owners: Travel worry-free, knowing your pet is safe and happy.
  • Unique Experiences for Sitters: Pet sitters can explore new places while enjoying the company of furry companions.

Our Journey

We started Zeewoi because we believe that pets shouldn't feel lonely when their humans go away. Our community is built on trust and love for animals.

Join Us!

Become part of our growing family of pet lovers! With Zeewoi, you can find meaningful connections that benefit both pets and people. Because when pets are happy, so are we!