1 perra y 2 gatos muuy mimados buscan cuidadores responsables cerca de Sevilla


Hola! Somos Marta y Bruno, dos jóvenes viajeros de España y Portugal respectivamente, actualmente viviendo en la tierra donde nació y creció Marta (Sevilla) con nuestra familia de 3 peludos. Nos dedicamos al turismo - tenemos una empresa de experiencias gastronómicas veganas en Sevilla llamada Seville Vegan Tours - y en temporada baja aprovechamos para ser nosotros quien viajemos. Por ello buscamos a alguien en quien confiar el cuidado de nuestros hijos (es así como los sentimos) mientras estamos fuera. Ya que aunque nos encantaría traerlos con nosotros, no siempre es posible y para ellos supondría un estrés innecesario. También estamos interesados intercambios de casas.

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Home & location

Vivimos en una bonita casa adosada situada en un pequeño pueblo del Aljarafe sevillano, a 15 mins en coche del centro de la ciudad. Nuestra casa tiene 3 habitaciones, 1 oficina con mesa para trabajar e internet de alta velocidad, un salón comedor, 3 cuartos de baño, cocina bien equipada con horno y lavavajillas, un pequeño jardín y un patio trasero. Nuestra casa está situada en un tranquilo barrio solo a 5 minutos del centro del pueblo y todos los servicios locales, así como de zonas naturales y campos de olivos. El pueblo está bien conectado con Sevilla por autobuses públicos que pasan cada hora. Umbrete es un pueblo y tradicional pueblo andaluz con costumbres muy arraigadas y numerosos eventos y fiestas religiosas ocurren durante el año. Es famoso por su producción vinícola (hay varias bodegas en el pueblo) y de aceitunas de mesa. Nuestros sitters podrán alojarse en nuestro cuarto de invitados, el cual consta de una cama doble, además de un baño privado.

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Necesitamos una persona (parejas son bienvenidas) con experiencia que cuide de nuestros dos gatos y de nuestra perra, así como de nuestras plantas y jardín mientras estamos fuera. Nuestros gatos necesitan ser alimentados dos veces al día, su caja debe ser limpiada una vez al día y lo más importante, darles atención para que no sientan nuestra ausencia ya que están muy mimados aunque no lo parezca (son unos pasotas). Nuestra perra tiene una dieta especial que consiste en pienso por la mañana y Barf (carne cruda) por la noche. Todo está previamente preparado, por lo que solo hay que estar pendiente de descongelarlo por la mañana. Normalmente, la sacamos a pasear 2-3 veces al día durante al menos 45 mins. No tiene un horario muy estricto, aunque siempre es importante asegurarse de que no se lleve muchas horas seguidas sin hacer pipí o sin comer. Le encanta salir a correr y explorar el campo de olivos, especialmente por la mañana. Es una perra muuuy tranquila en casa, aunque en la calle si se encuentra en ambientes muy ruidosos (especialmente con muchos niños o adolescentes) se estresa con facilidad y no querrá ir a ningún sitio. En esas ocasiones la subimos al coche y la llevamos al campo donde ella está a gusto. Tenemos muchas plantas tanto de interior como de exterior, que especialmente en verano necesitaran de riegos regularmente y cuidados. Es importante entender que las plantas son también muy importantes para nosotros, por lo que nos gustaría que nuestros sitters les dedicaran el tiempo y la atención necesaria para asegurar que sobreviven durante nuestra ausencia. Buscamos a una pareja o persona individual con cierta experiencia en esto, preferiblemente mayor de 30 años, que sepa los cuidados que conlleva tener una casa, lidiar con las diferentes cosas que puedan surgir (posibles averías, cambiar el gas, etc.) y cuidar de nuestras cosas como si fueran tuyas. Que sea autosuficiente en aspectos generales, nosotros dejaremos instrucciones de cómo funciona todo y cómo proceder ante cualquier casuística y también estaremos al otro lado del teléfono si hiciera falta, pero pedimos un poco de responsabilidad y comprensión. Para sits de más de dos días es importante también el uso del coche, salvo que vayamos a dejar nuestro coche en casa. En ese caso podríamos dejarlo para vuestro uso en caso de necesidad. Siempre daremos prioridad a quien traiga su propio coche o tenga experiencia conduciendo en Europa. No se trata de vuestra comodidad o preferencia, sino de que en caso de necesidad aquí es necesario un coche para poder ir al veterinario o llevar a Yoko a cualquier sitio. Es imprescindible que la persona hable español de forma fluida para poder comunicarse y valerse en nuestra zona, ya que la mayoría de las personas no hablan otra lengua. Nuestros animales no tienen una rutina superestricta, no obstante en épocas como el verano su rutina se ve afectada por el clima y, por lo tanto, será necesario que seas flexible y te adaptes a los horarios de la vida en Andalucía, especialmente durante las olas de calor cuando solo podrás pasear a Yoko en horas más frescas. Necesitamos una persona con experiencia cuidando perros de porte mediano-grande, ya que Yoko a pesar de ser muy tranquila y obediente, cuando tiene miedo se paraliza o tira de la correa, y necesita alguien que le aporte seguridad y calma. Desgraciadamente, nuestros animales no están acostumbrados a convivir con niños y se estresan mucho en la presencia de ellos, por lo que no aceptamos peticiones de familias que viajen con sus hijos.

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Meet the pets

Photo of Yoko


8 years

Photo of Rodrigo


7 years

Photo of Juan Carlos

Juan Carlos

4 years

Sitter Reviews (8)

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We had a wonderful week at Marta and Bruno’s home! It’s located in a beautiful village in Seville, peaceful yet with easy access to the road that takes you to Seville in just 20 minutes. The house is cozy, bright, and very well-maintained. We had our own room, which was really comfortable. Their animals couldn't be more charming. Yoko quickly warmed up to us, and the cats did too. Marta and Bruno left us very clear instructions regarding their care, food, and preferences. Although it was quite hot in Seville, we were able to enjoy their lovely front garden, where we had some homemade tapas with a really pleasant breeze. Yoko is completely used to walking, whether on or off the leash. She’s very obedient and affectionate. The cats enjoyed going out to the garden for some fresh air, but they usually didn’t venture much further. We made sure to keep an eye on them too. The garden was easy to maintain, and the plants were just as grateful as the animals. We kept in regular communication with Marta and Bruno, which made everything so much easier. We would gladly stay again, thank you so much!

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Pets Behavior:
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Stayed: 16 Aug 2024 - 23 Aug 2024
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Looking after Yoko, Rodrigo and Juan Carlos was a joy. Yoko is a gentle, loving dog with good behaviour on and off leash. She is not fond of long walks and is happy to amble home once her business is done. She responds to commands and returns when called, especially responsive to whistles. Rodrigo and Juan Carlos are easy to care for. Their preferences were well explained by the host, which made caring for them a breeze. Rodrigo would hang around in the garden, JC likes to be inside. All pets sleep in their own space and not on the beds. Marta and Bruno are extremely hospitable and friendly, great communication and very responsive. We had our own room and bathroom with a comfortable bed. The kitchen was well equipped and we enjoyed using it. The house was well cared for with a few indoor plants that needed watering. The hosts very kindly picked us up from the station, and we had a lovely crossover of two days, which made us feel at ease, since this was a 2 month long sit. The house is located on a quiet residential street, in a small village about 20min from Seville by bus. The village itself is clean and beautiful, with ample grocery stores and small tavernas. The bus has a fixed timetable, and the closest bus stop is 5min walk.

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Pets Behavior:
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Stayed: 08 Jun 2024 - 06 Aug 2024
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I spent one week at Marta and Bruno’s home in Umbrete, 15 minute drive from Seville in February. Their home is in a lovely and safe neighbourhood and has all the amenities one might need. I had my own room and bathroom, the kitchen is well equipped, and there’s plenty of space. I arrived a day before to meet Marta and Bruno and get to know the animals - dog Yoko and two cats, Juan Carlos and Rodrigo. I joined Marta on her walks with Yoko to learn her favorite routes around the area - there are olive groves with endless paths nearby, and Yoko is great when walked, guides you and comes back when let off lead. Caring for these pets was a breeze - they are so well educated and sweet. Yoko is the best dog I’ve cared for - she is incredibly sweet, well behaved and good! The cats were so good as well. Umbrete is a small village, so I definitely recommend a car for a longer sit to explore the infinite possibilities in the area. I’d also definitely recommend the knowledge of Spanish to communicate with neighbours or at shops. Finally, Marta and Bruno are the kindest and most hospitable people. I was lucky enough to try some of Marta’s vegan dishes, I felt like I was on a retreat, everything was so good! They will explain everything about their home, pets and area and share whatever knowledge you might find useful. I highly recommend them as both pet owners, but also as sitters - they are caring, organized, clean and professional. I feel so lucky to have been offered this opportunity and looking forward to seeing them in the future! Muchas gracias ♥️

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Stayed: 10 Feb 2024 - 17 Feb 2024
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Marta and Bruno are wonderful hosts and already feel like lifelong friends to us. They made our experience really comfortable and from the very first moment we felt totally like at home in their lovely village house. They showed us around the area and shared with us some really delicious asiatic vegan meals. Their passion for veganism and travelling is contagious! We had a lot of fun exchanging travel experiences with them and will keep doing so in the future, as we live quite close by to them now. Taking care of Yoko the dog, Rodrigo and Juan Carlos the cats was a really pleasant and fun task. Yoko is the loveliest and most loyal dog we have met. Our daily walks or bicycle rides in the nearby olive grove were such a treat to the body and soul. To see her running amidst the greenery and coming back to you instantly after a whistle was very satisfying. At the house she was very relaxed and silent, never barking. Such a good dog! Rodrigo and Juan Carlos have very distinctive cat-personalities. Rodrigo was almost always at the front garden guarding the house and Juan Carlos liked more to hang around the humans or just sleep for hours with the dog. In the late night walks with Yoko, Juan Carlos would religiously join in and run from shadow to shadow around us like a true ninja. All in all we really enjoyed our stay and would love to do it again!

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Stayed: 06 Nov 2023 - 29 Nov 2023
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Lovely to meet Marta and Bruno. They could not have done more to make me feel more welcome and also explaining all details. Yoko, love at first sight! She is adorable and likes to keep to routine. Was very good off leash in the olive groves. Due to the extreme heat I walked her 7 am. Both cats easy to care for, do their own thing, easy in and out access to house. Loved my stay, easy access to Sevilla by bus and there is a fabulous sports center 5 min walk from the house with summer and winter swimming pool. It is a 2 story house with back yard and small garden very comfortable. Thank you Bruno and Marta.

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Stayed: 04 Jul 2023 - 10 Jul 2023

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Last time sitter needed: 7 months 0 days ago