Sitter for Thunder
I adopted Thunder (who is 8yo) in October 2023, so we're still learning about each other. I meant to get a smaller poodle mix to replace my 15yo+ schnoodle, but Thunder came along and needed a home. My good fortune because Thunder is a sweet, playful, happy dog -- a perfect companion. I want to try using a sitter because I've never put my dogs in a kennel, and friends aren't always around when I'm traveling. So.... I'm retired and a good match for Thunder, who loves exploring Roger Williams Park; walking in the neighborhood; driving in the car; and running at the beach and in the woods. (Thunder comes when she's called. So far anyway. I just learned that she likes chasing sticks.) She has toys, and will pick up socks or slippers when she wants to be chased. She also likes cuddling. She doesn't sleep on the bed, but comes up in the morning to be petted. My garden is always in transition as I move pots, bird feeders, and rocks around. Thunder adapts. Advice about gardening is always welcome. I have traveled a lot and continue to travel. Usually no more than 2 weeks at a time, though I have day-dreamed about taking a long trip to ...somewhere. My house is filled with small, beautiful though not very valuable objects like shells, stones, feathers from these trips -- all of which are important to me. [*Visitors can admire, pick up and touch but I'd prefer to keep collections pretty much exactly where they were found.] I live between Tatyana and Tatiana (lucky me!), and am fond of all my neighbors, and I think they like me too. I tend to tell the Tatianas and Bob (across the street) when I'm traveling so they kind of keep an eye on things.
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Comfortable 2BR house with small fenced in backyard and off-street parking. Ten minutes drive from, and easy bus access to downtown Providence and East Side restaurants, theaters, stores. Three doors from Pleasure Pond and Flower Island in the wonderful Roger Williams Park. (Think swan boats, zoo, natural history museum, botanic center, gardens...walking trails.) Lovely, safe neighborhood--people on my street know each other; easy access to Dominican, Pan-Asian restaurants and specialty markets.
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I. Thunder The Dog Thunder goes out in backyard before breakfast. I walk her in the Park 2 x per day (morning, late afternoon before dinner), and around the block or edge of the Park at 9/9:30pm. She's good about going to the door when she wants out. (Big supply of dog bags in bottom drawer by the sink.) I walk her on a non-retractable leash so she can't lunge at squirrels or bicycles but she's wonderful off leash on the beach and forest trails. A gentle lead is available though I haven't used it yet. She's friendly toward all worries. I'm more skittish than she is. Thunder Food (No meds. Previous owner thinks she might be allergic to eggs. I'm still learning but think she might be allergic to cheese.) Her food can stay out all day because she's picky about the kibble but will eventually eat it. I add 1/4 or 1/3 can of dog food and/or some meat (beef liver, hamburger). She's starting to enjoy a biscuit occasionally, and also gets a Greenie now and then. Thunder's Vet = Providence River Animal Hospital. 131 Point St, Providence 401-274-7724 The staff is wonderful and helpful if you need a vet. II. Plants I have pots of plants overwintering in the sunroom. They might/not need water. I adjust shades to give them sun, then close to keep cold out. There's a light on a timer and a grow light which you could turn on if plants look pathetic.
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9 years